Is Whippet a Lurcher: Getting to Know Whippet and Lurcher

Whippet and lurcher are different. A whippet is a small dog initially bred in England for racing. Whippets are known for their speed and agility, which makes them great running companions. Lurchers are a type of hound dog that was initially bred to hunt. Lurchers have a more robust build than whippets and may be considered more aggressive when hunting prey.

Breed Origins


Whippet is a crossbreed of the Jack Russell Terrier and Greyhound breeds. Developed in England in the 19th century, the whippet is recognized by its characteristic fox-like face and long body. Today, it remains popular as a family pet and for hunting purposes.


Lurchers are a crossbreed of the Jack Russell Terrier and the miniature English Greyhound, making them a lurcher breed. Lurchers were bred to flush out game, such as rabbits and hares, which they would then bring to the hunter in their mouth.



Whippets have orange or rust coloring and may have small sizes at first. Coloring can range from black, tan, liver (gray), bay, sable (black with some yellow), brindle (a mixture of different colors), white, and piebald ( patches of light and dark colors). These dogs come in various colors, have long legs and short bodies, and are known for their high energy levels.


Lurchers are usually colored silvery, black, tan, or black and tan. They make excellent family pets and are known for being easygoing around other animals. Many say whippet dogs could easily replace a cat or small dog as your go-to pet!



Whippets are one of the most popular breeds of dogs because of their intelligence and temperament. They make good family pets as they are gentle and easy to handle, making them a safe choice for people with children.

However, whippets should be supervised when disciplining them as they can be aggressive if provoked. For example, when training your whippet, start early, so they learn correctly from an early age. This will help in preventing any problems down the line.


Lurchers are a type of dog that is known for its high level of activity; they need lots of exercises and should be allowed to run freely. They make great family pets as they are loyal and gentle with children but do not suit living in an apartment or people who fear dogs. Lurcher puppies can be quite noisy when running around and may also be difficult to contain on a leash.



Whippet dogs are an excellent choice for families with children as they are gentle, easy to handle, and very trainable. They can also be trained to do many different things, making them an excellent companion in any family. You will need to put a lot of time and effort into training whippets, but the rewards – such as having a friendly dog that doesn’t require much exercise – are worth it!


Lurcher is a working dog breed known for its agility and speed. It is not a breed suited to living in the city, as they require plenty of exercise. They are also good with children, making them ideal family pets. Also, lurchers are very trainable and make great companions for those who want a loyal friend you can trust anytime.

Activity Level


Whippets are loving and gentle pets but do not require much exercise. They should be allowed to run free and be given plenty of opportunities to play for a minimum of an hour. If you neglect your whippet, it may become destructive or hyperactive. This is a challenging pet to take care of if you have a hectic lifestyle – make sure you have the time and resources for them!

Whippets thrive in areas with plenty of green space to run around and expend all that energy they need. As long as their needs are met, whippets make excellent companions for people living in well-kempt neighborhoods with many trees nearby.


Lurcher is a dog that needs at least two walks a day. These dogs are high-energy and require plenty of running around to keep them happy – whether in their home or outside.

Health Issues


Whippets are a popular dog breed, but like any other breed, they can suffer from health issues. Some common problems whippets are prone to include hip dysplasia, epilepsy, and cataracts.

It’s essential to check your whippet regularly with a vet for signs of these problems – if you notice any changes in behavior or physical characteristics, it is best to take them straight to the vet for further observation.

Make sure you feed your whippet a healthy diet with lots of fresh vegetables, fruit, and quality protein. Providing plenty of exercise will keep them physically fit and healthy overall. And be sure not to leave them unattended in hot weather – even the calmest whippet can become aggressive when overheated!


Lurcher dogs often have a bad reputation due to their aggressive nature. As such, it is essential to know the breed’s personality traits and how best to care for them. While lurcher dogs are prone to being aggressive towards other animals, this doesn’t mean they will always lash out at violence.

Make sure you are up-to-date with your vaccinations and vet check-ups, as these may help improve your dog’s behavior overall. Like any pet, take care not to leave them unsupervised in an unfamiliar place – always keep an eye out for potential danger!