How to Cut Beagle Nails- A Guide to Nail Trimming
In getting a dog such as a Beagle, one among a plethora of significant things we don’t often primarily think about is cutting his nails. Although the idea of doing it sounds easy as we, humans, do it regularly, doing the nail cutting to your pooch, believe it or not, is far from simple.
Obviously, hiring a groomer can save the day, but letting someone else do it for you all the time can be costly and you can’t simply just let your Beagle’s nails grow too long! If you are a Beagle enthusiast who prefers DIY solutions for dog needs such as nail trimming, this guide is for you.
Table of Contents
Why Is It Important to Cut Your Beagle’s Nails?

A Beagle about to get his nails trimmed by his owner
Cutting your Beagle’s nails is mainly for health reasons. Firstly, maintaining the right length of the nail for your merry little canine can sustain good posture. If the nails grow extensively, the weight of his body will gradually shift backward which will cause more stress to his back and hind legs and create joint issues.
Additionally, your Beagle’s paw pads are responsible for neurologically transmitting information about the environment so having them feel the ground entirely without their nails getting in the way is beneficial. Mostly, dogs cannot wear down their nails by themselves even if they walk on rough surfaces daily. That means, if their claws are left unchecked, the easiest task of walking will eventually become a challenge.
Moreover, the dewclaws of your Beagle can curl back and irritate him. This can be the start of an annoying infection for your little pet.
How Often Do My Beagle’s Nails Be Trimmed?

The frequency for your Beagle’s nail trimming session mostly depends on his environment. Does he always walk on carpets or soft grass or are most of his steps on pavements and any other rough surfaces? The latter helps a bit in filing down his toenails, therefore, making the nail cutting period less recurrent for the Beagle.
Keeping your Beagle’s nails short can be done every 2 weeks or whenever necessary. Generally, any dog’s rear nails grow more slowly than the ones in the front.
Also, you might wonder why other dogs have nails that grow faster than your Beagle’s. Typically the case is that these dogs are often seniors who suffer from arthritis or their owners are too busy to take them out for a jog or a short walk. When their nails are not worn out by activities such as walking even for short distances, their nails will seem to grow faster.
If your Beagle suffers from any liver disease, his claws will grow faster than normal as well. If in any case, these circumstances are met by your dog, regularly checking his nails for overgrowth is important.
5 Tips on How to Have Successful and Stress-Free Trimming Session With Your Beagle
- Get your Beagle to become used to seeing nail clippers.
Your dog can either be wondering what the new tool is or has associated it with past trauma. Nevertheless, he should overcome his fear of seeing clippers. You can help him on this by picking up the said tool happily in his presence. Give him a treat afterward so he’d link it to a positive experience. Once the excitement is exhibited at the sight of the clippers, you can confidently move forward.
- Train him to be okay with paw handling.
Let your Beagle become used to getting touched on his paws. You can do this during your bonding moments. If he’s relaxed, gently pet him and rub his back then slowly try to reach for his paw pads. Apply pressure while attempting to expose his nails. If he feels uncomfortable and tries to withdraw, discontinue stimulating his paws and continue once he’s settled again. Use praises and treats and do this several times a day.
- Let your Beagle become familiar with the sound of the clipper.
Associate the sound of the nail trimmer with rewards or praises. As you touch his paws, soothingly talk to him while making the tool create clicking noises. Eventually, your dog will anticipate the sound and expect something positive from his owner which is either a special treat or a lovely pet.
- Once all three tips are applied, you can proceed with giving your Beagle a simulation.
It’s unnecessary to start clipping right away, but rather let the trimmers touch his claw as you sit on the floor. You may incorporate treats moderately while making sure your cute pooch is comfy.
- Perform the actual nail trimming.
Now that your Beagle doesn’t feel threatened with the sight, sound, and touch of the clipper, you can start by trimming a nail. You don’t have to cut off a huge chunk, but rather simply let your Beagle see how the clippers work and avoid giving him a horrific experience like reaching his quick. Give him breaks every after two successful nail trims and don’t forget the positive reinforcements!
Tools Needed for Your Beagle’s Nail Trimming Session

Beagles waiting before the trimming session starts
For first-time owners, you don’t have to worry about purchasing a lot of things for your Beagle’s nail trimming tools because the only thing you’d need is a nail clipper! Yes, you read that right. What else would you need anyway?
In choosing the right clipper, make sure that it is durable and sharp enough to conveniently cut your Beagle’s claws. If not, chances are that you might injure or hurt your pooch in the process. Ensure as well that the tool fits perfectly on your dog’s nails. Avoid oversized clippers as they might do damage as they have the extra force and create bigger and thicker cuts on the nail.
The nail clipper tool comes in various types namely the guillotine, grinder, and scissor.
Guillotine. Similar to the actual guillotine, this kind of clippers has a single blade that comes down to chop off or cut the canine’s claw. This type is more suitable for dogs who have thicker nails and for owners to have an easier grip on the tool. Check out the Resco USA, for example.
Grinder. This tool like the Casfuy Grinder is often referred to as a Dremel. Most dog owners find this a more convenient tool in maintaining shorter dog nails. This equipment has a spinning area at the tip comparable to sandpaper which wears and files down the nail using rotating friction.
Scissors. More often, the scissors are more suitable for use in trimming a toenail that is too long and is curling downwards like a circle. This nail situation happens frequently on the dew claws and this can be an onset of pain and discomfort for your Beagle pup. A Boshel nail clipper might just be the perfect solution for your dog.
5 Things to Know Before You Do a DIY Nail Trimming Session

Prepping your Beagle pet before doing the nail trimming activity is extremely necessary to make the experience something that is not only worthwhile but as well as enjoyable. Avoid having a negative attitude about nail trimming or your dog will feel your energy and associate it as a bad experience.
It is a huge advantage if your Beagle has been used to this practice since he’s a puppy because it makes it easier for you to deal with his sharp claws once he becomes an adult. But don’t be too concerned if your dog is already big since it’s never too late to make a change. Here are a few things you can do before your dog’s nail trimming session:
- Make your Beagle feel comfortable.
- Ready the treats as reinforcements.
- Ensure that the room is well-lit to avoid injury.
- Make sure you have products within reach in case bleeding occurs (bar of soap, flour, cornstarch, or a capsule of Yunnan Paiyo to form a clot).
- Ready your preferred nail clipper.
How to Properly Cut Your Beagle’s Nails

A calm and confident Beagle during a nail cutting session
After doing all the preparations for the nail trimming session of your Beagle, jumping right into the actual task must be performed right away. Of course, if you are not confident about doing this yet, bringing your Beagle to your groom or vet can be a great option. You can ask them to teach you how to do it, but if you want the DIY version, here are a few steps in completing the process:
- Hind nails are less sensitive than the ones at the front. You can have a great start from there as the pooch will not feel much.
- Take your time in cutting the nails. Don’t think as if you are in a race or else you might end up inflicting injury to your little Beagle.
- If your Beagle has dark-colored nails, you can cut straight while making sure that the quick is far from nick. Cutting gradually can help you get the hang of it and, therefore, avoid damaging the quick. Give him treats in between each cutting.
- As for lighter nails, the quick can easily be seen. Squeeze your Beagle’s paws and his claws will instantly extend. Draw them to a light and you’ll see the pinkish matter inside the nail. Cut at a 90 or 45-degree angle depending on how confident you are in avoiding the sensitive fleshy section.
- In case the quick gets bothered, use cotton swabs or other products that can sanitize and stop the bleeding.
- Don’t forget to cut the dewclaw too! This is also a nail but is located on his leg.
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s a Quick?
The quick is where you can find all the sensitive nerves and blood vessels of your Beagle. If cut, bleeding may occur and the experience can be painful. Trimming his nails slowly but surely can give you lesser chances of damaging the fleshy section inside the nail.
How Can I Tell if My Beagle’s Nails Are Too Long?
If your dog is walking around the house and you can hear clicking noises like he is wearing heels, his nails might be long and need some trimming. You can take his paw and lift it gently, squeeze the pad until all of his claws can be seen, if they are downwards curvy, you have to grab the clippers out the drawer.
Are Beagles Hurt if They Have Long Nails?
Yes, Beagles can feel pain if their nails are overgrown. Long claws can make your canine slip and fall too easily and can cause more discomfort. Also, if the nail puts too much pressure on the dog’s foot as he walks, his tendons will eventually become deformed and impaired.
When Is the Right Time to Cut My Beagle’s Nails?
ASPCA suggests that your Beagle would need nail trimming when his claws are just about to touch the ground while he walks. If every time he walks on carpets and his nails get caught on the fiber, it is time for a nail cut. However, it is recommended not to wait for your dog’s nails to start making clicking noises before you do something about his claws. Trim it regularly every 2 to 5 weeks.
Final thoughts

With the right attitude and commitment in doing this task, dogs such as your Beagle will eventually learn to accept that their nails have to be trimmed regularly for their good. If done properly and positively, your Beagle canine will even look forward to it.
If in some cases, your pooch is agonizing, bringing him to a healthcare professional is advised to avoid aggravating his fear toward this “dreaded” task. Following the steps and tips in this article while using praise and rewards can turn the tables to you and your dog’s advantage.