Both dogs and foxes belong to the Canidae family hence why they share some similar traits and features concerning appearance. What sets them apart are their temperaments as dogs are docile, trainable, and suitable as pets while foxes rightfully belong to the wild.
Even though all modern dogs descended from the wolves, a close relative of the fox, a dog and a fox can never produce viable offspring. They have different numbers of chromosomes making them highly incompatible.
As disappointing as it sounds, you don’t have to frown just yet if you are wanting a fox-like dog. In this article, we will list all 14 dog breeds that resemble your favorite wild animal. Let’s start!
1. Akita

Weighing around 70 to 130 pounds, Akitas are considerably larger than your average fox. What makes them deserve a spot on this list are their obvious general features that are highly similar to the aforementioned wild animal.
The pointed erect ears, narrowing snout, small inquisitive eyes, and markings in the breed’s coat strongly exhibit the hallmarks we often think are only exclusive for the fox.
A red Akita with white markings, particularly on the chest points higher in resemblance to the fox than a brindle Akita would.
2. Korean Jindo

The name of the Jindo breed comes after an island located in South Korea. His medium-size puts him closer to resembling a fox, more so that the canine is available in virtually any colors like white, red, yellow, tan, white and red, black, and more.
If part of your standards in adopting a dog is for it to look like a fox to exude exoticness, a white Jindo would be a spitting image of a marble fox. Another possible option would be the red and white Jindo dog as he’s an exact copy of a red fox.
3. American Eskimo

As a Spitz-type dog, the American Eskimo naturally inherits a long, thick, and often white fur, as well as pointed ears and muzzles. The only difference between the dog and the fox concerning appearance would be their tail.
The American Eskimo’s rear end has a plumed tail carried over the back, but foxes, excluding the ones that were domesticated in modern times, carry their bushy tails straight or low, almost as if they show extreme caution in every single move they make.
With this breed, the best type of fox it can represent as a dog is no other than the arctic. Aside from this perk, adopting an American Eskimo is a good choice for someone who wants a highly trainable pet.
4. Dhole

The Dhole which is a native from Asia is often called the whistling dog, the red dog, or the Asiatic wild dog. Although he’s not your typical canine, still the Dhole falls under the category of dogs.
What makes him unique, however, is the fact that he only has two molars on each side of his lower jaw instead of having three. He also has a shorter jaw compared to his dog counterparts.
For the most part, the usual look of the Dhole shows a combination of the Arabian and the Indian fox. For those who aren’t that particular with foxes, the red fox would be the first to come into mind.
5. Shiba Inu

This Spitz breed that hails from Japan gained a part of its notoriety from internet memes. In the past, they mainly functioned as hunters but since then, they have slowly transitioned into companionable dogs.
A Shiba Inu and a fox have undeniably similar looks, but what’s more noteworthy are their indistinguishable expressions. Think about a sly-looking fox exhibiting his grin and a smiling mischievous Shiba Inu.
The Japanese breed’s colors are available in red sesame, sesame, black and tan, cream, and black and sesame. If you’re aiming for your pet to look like an exact carbon copy of the fox, choose the common fox colors in the Shiba Inu’s wide array of shades.
6. Chihuahua

Have you seen or heard about the fennec fox? It’s an adorably small fox that averagely weighs around 2 to 3 pounds and reaches 14 to 16 inches. If compared to the Chihuahua, the dog weighs more but is defeated regarding the height at withers.
Nevertheless, the Chihuahua is the fennec fox of the dog family, the long-haired one, most especially. Both have large, long, and pointed ears, small heads, and prominent eyes.
The Mexican breed may be small and somewhat fragile for many, but he still requires daily exercise. Don’t be fooled about his stature as within him is a dominant big dog personality.
7. Schipperke

The maverick, spirited black Schipperke is an excellent impostor of a small black fox. The face shape, details in ears, and build are enough to fool someone into thinking he’s actually from the wild.
In Belgium, the breed was widely used to work in ships, despite the small stature they exhibit. They were originally bred to catch rats and watch over the ship’s cargo. The fishermen were fond of the Schipperke which is a Flemish name translating to “little captain”.
As modern dogs, a Schipperke can thrive in an apartment, but taking him out is still necessary as this is one zestful dog.
8. Alaskan Klee Kai
Photo by akk.koda (IG)The Alaskan Klee Kai resembles the Siberian Husky dog and the fox in certain ways. The Alaskan dog with a coat color of gray and white would perfectly copy the look of a marble fox. Meanwhile, a red and white one would look close to a red fox.
The canine is much taller and heavier though, and they tend to have longer lifespans.
In some cases, a fox’s personality can go in line with the Alaskan Klee Kai. Both can exude friendliness on rare occasions, at other times they tend to show a cautious attitude toward strangers.
9. German Spitz

The endearing foxy look of the German Spitz shouldn’t come off as surprising as he carries with him certain features that lean more to the look of a white arctic fox. Both animals have fluffy white coats, erect ears although the fox has thicker, sharp snouts, and bushy tails.
The German Spitz would be the gentler dog version of a fox as he has more soulful eyes compared to the observant and calculating stare of an arctic fox.
With so many colors available in the breed, a red-coated German Spitz would also bear semblance to the traditional red fox.
Concerning the dog’s temperament, he dislikes being around strangers and highly prefers familiar faces. He’s easy to train, so make time in helping him minimize his barking urges.
10. Finnish Spitz

As the name suggests, the Finnish Spitz comes from Finland. He’s well noted for his red coat that may come in a variety. With that in mind, he can easily blend himself in a group of different red foxes like the Sakhalin, Cascade red fox, Iberian fox, and the Northern Plains fox.
Although he’s been recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1991, the Finnish Spitz’s breed popularity ranking hits a low at 184th out of 202 dog breeds. Nonetheless, they remain to be one of the most adorable canines to have.
Additionally, the breed is known for its incessant fondness for barking. This does not indicate, however, that he’s a good watchdog. Despite the fox-like appearance, anyone, even strangers, who know about him can easily approach a Finnish Spitz.
11. Volpino Italiano
The Volpino Italiano roughly translates to “Italian fox” and it’s no wonder why. Put a polar fox beside him and you need a sharper eye to determine which is the dog and which isn’t.
The breed is significantly smaller than the standard fox as he’s only 9 to 12 inches in height and 9 to 14 pounds in weight. Meanwhile, a fox can go around 14 to 20 inches in height and 1.5 to 24 pounds in weight.
This Nordic-type of Spitz can charm you instantly with his seraphic outer appearance that may seem he’s all well-behaved, but in fact, this dog is a notorious barker which can be hell for those who prefer a quiet environment.
12. Icelandic Sheepdog

The Icelandic Sheepdog is the pride of Iceland. Just like the rest of the dogs in this list, certain features of the fox are also exuded by the breed. Their upright, triangular ears, black noses, and red and white coat colors closely resemble the common red fox, domesticated or wild.
They mostly vary in the personality department as foxes love being solitary creatures while the Icelandic dog hates being left on his own. Fun fact, this dog is an ancestor of both the Welsh Corgi and the Shetland Sheepdog.
13. Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Putting aside the obvious difference in stature of the fox and the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, the appearance of the dog is definitely fox-like. His upward-facing ears, facial shape, eyes, and furry coat complete the outfit as a fox impostor.
Queen Elizabeth has her extreme favor to the breed and although they look charming, friendly, and fun, these dogs are, no doubt, hardworking. They used to herd cattle and nip them in the heel should one in the herd fail to follow the right direction.
Thanks to the longer length than height ratio, it is fairly distinguishable should the Corgi and the fox be put together.
14. Canaan Dog
Canaan dogs are one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. Several drawings of dogs that resemble the breed were decorated in 4000-year-old tombs. Their original purpose was to herd and guard the livestock of the Israelites and they did so well.
To mention, the Canaan dogs may not be that popular, but they are lauded by many for their surprisingly fast learning skills. When Israel was founded, these dogs were used to guard the settlements. They are also excellent as guides, military, landmine detectors, and messenger dogs.
Their lean physique, almond-shaped eyes, alert ears, and tails make them earn a spot on this article.