Top 10 Dog Memorial Ideas to Honor Your Dog’s Life
It is inevitable to lose a family pet considering that they don’t have a lifespan similar to humans. With this fact, every owner should be prepared enough when this circumstance happens. The grief will be massive since dogs are the absolute giver of love and it would take a while to accept the fact that they are no longer there. But, you can look at the brighter side and instead remember the loving memories of your furry friend.

Here are some ways that you can honor your special friend through these meaningful dog memorial ideas you can do at home.
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1. Plant a Tree
What does a tree represent when you see one? It always indicates growth and life for everyone. Trees can live on for decades or even centuries which means that you can make your pooch memory alive by planting a tree in your yard. It would be a great healing for you since at the beginning it requires water and constant care for the tree to survive. When it fully grows, you can put pictures of your beloved friend, favorite toys around it, or a swing on the branch so that you can spend time there and remember your dog.
If you feel like missing your beloved friend or baby dog then you can spend time on the tree. You could read and relax under the shade while reminiscing about the good moments with your dog. In this way, your heart will heal faster, knowing that your dog is always with you and that you have honored their life with you until their last breath.

2. Dog Funeral Service
Just because funeral service is only common for humans, it doesn’t mean that you can’t do it on your dog. Pet Funeral is one of the things that you can do in which some funeral homes cater. It doesn’t have to be a funeral for several days but one day is enough to gather friends and family. Everyone could say their last goodbye or thank you message on how much the pet makes them smile or a specific goofy moment with the dog.
Ask someone to play music and prepare food for the small gathering. It would be a wonderful moment to move on and ask your pet to give you a loving dog like them. You can bury your dog in the backyard or in a secluded place where you can visit and remember your pooch.
3. Dog Memorial Stone
Whether you held a funeral or not, you can mark the place wherein you buried your dog with a memorial stone. There are memorial stones available online like this one (Angel Dog Garden) or (Memorial Stone with Portrait) and you can put them in the place where you buried them. You can light candles there during their birthday or when you remember your dog. It’s a good place to still share stories with your pooch knowing that they are still there and their memories are kept alive.

4. Place a Dog Memorial Wind Chime
Whenever someone is coming inside or a family member comes home, your dog always barks and wags its tail. Now, that they are gone you can remember them through the sound of the wind chime at your door. You can find on amazon a lot of sellers that offer personalized wind chimes that give you the option of putting your dog’s picture, paws, or their ashes.
Some of the designs you can choose are the following:
- Pet Memorial Wind Chime
- Arca Pet Memorial Wind Chime
- Bereavement Sympathy Wind Chime
- Astarin Wind Chime
5. Help at Local Animal Shelter
If the loss of your dog is too sudden and you need time to distract yourself, you can volunteer at the local shelter and feed the dogs there. You can also help in grooming them or ensuring that they have a safe and clean surrounding. Some of these dogs are deprived of love and attention so you should give them affection just like how you would care for your lost dog.
It is a good memorial activity and you can always adopt a new baby to give them a loving and secure home. Also, you will know that your dog will be proud because you chose to help the dog in need in memory of him.

6. Hang a Dog Customized Portrait
What better way to remember and always see your dog’s loving face than to hang a portrait of them in your living room or bedroom. You could make it big and display it alongside your family’s portrait. There are a lot of artists that you can tap on your town and make a deal with them to create a loving portrait of your dog. Your family can look at it and they can remember the good times with your dog.
Here are some portrait frames that you can use:
7. Pet Memorial Christmas Ornament
Christmas is the most wonderful season of the year and it would be nice to still enjoy this season with your pooch. You can still do it by purchasing a customized Christmas Ornament wherein it has your dog’s face or paw print. Display it alongside your Christmas decorations or hang it on your Christmas Tree. In this way, you can still celebrate Christmas with your dog.
8. Tattoo Your Dog’s Paw Print
You don’t have to make it big but it would make you feel better and it will be like they are always with you. It is one of your options in remembering and honoring your dog’s life. It can be a tiny minimalistic paw print or your dog’s name.
9. Cremation Stone & Jewelries
Some owners cremate their pooch and you can keep their urns stored in one of these cremation stones.
- Just Fur Them Pet Urns
- NC Pet Urn
- Our Hearts Still Ache
- Decorative White Onyx Pet Urn
- Rainbow Pet Memorial Stone
Another option would be to get some of the pet’s ashes and put them on your customized jewelry. You can put it on your necklace or ring so that you can still feel the presence of your goofy and loving pooch. Here are some of the cremation jewelry you can find online.
- Pet cremation Jewelry for Ashes
- Cremation Urn Ring
- Dog Bone Urn Necklace
- Cremation Jewelry Urn Necklace
- Heartbeing Cremation Jewelry
- Personalized Urn Necklace with Picture
- Sterling Always in My Heart Necklace
- Cremation Jewelry Paw Print Urn Necklace
- Memorial Heart Cremation Urn
- Ashes Cremation Necklace

10. Land or Sea Cremation Ashes Scattering
The whole family can drive to the sea and spend a day wherein they can scatter the dog’s ashes. In addition, pet owners can also do it at the favorite spot of their dogs like the park or in your house backyard. Be sure that you get permission first if you are doing it in public places. It could be an event wherein the whole family will stop for their day-to-day work and honor the dog’s smiles and cuddles throughout the dog’s existence.
11. Buy Petsies
If you want a replica of your furry friend in a stuffed toy then you can order and buy it at Petsies. It is a great gift for pet owners that lost their dogs and still want to cuddle them. All you need to do is to send a picture of your pooch and have them make your dog into a stuffed toy.
Whenever an owner feels like missing their pets, they can cuddle it to sleep and be reminded of their dog’s presence.
12. Dog’s Scrapbook
Creativity and art help every person in healing a broken heart. Thus, if you are feeling sad about your dog’s death then you can make a memory scrapbook wherein you will compile your dog’s picture, favorite food, treats, toys, and a picture of their favorite places. You can create it the way you want it, pour your heart and time as you go back into your dog’s best moments and laughs.
If there’s a time that you will miss your dog, you can just look into the scrapbook and go back in time.

It will be hard for pet parents to accept the fact that their pets are already gone but there are ways to ease the pain and still remember the loving moments with your pooch. Hopefully, the dog memorial ideas above will help you cope up and come out stronger in life as you took care of another pet. You can also choose to help and donate the dog’s toys and stuff to animals in the shelter. An adoption is also an option, not just to aid the loss but also to help every pet in need of a loving home and parents. Remember, do not deprive every pet of a chance to live so always keep them healthy and provide them with the best food and nutrients.