Do English Mastiffs Drool? A Guide to Manage His Dribbles
The English Mastiff possesses very intimidating physical features that can make anyone take a step back if he approaches. Truly, he’s such a magnificent dog with desirable qualities fit to become a family companion making others perceive him as a perfect pet. However, there is one particular thing many English Mastiff owners complain about- his uncontrollable drooling.

English Mastiffs are notorious droolers not because he is always hungry but rather because of the structure of his mouth. Bringing him outside for an afternoon walk means that you have to bring with you a pack full of wipes to remove the saliva hanging persistently on the jowls or else, he’ll be leaving a nonstop trail of it.
There are ways on how to cope with these seemingly nonstop dribbles this colossal Mastiff makes. Through this article, you’ll learn a huge load about the drooling tendency as well as discover ways on how to prevent this from getting you frustrated. Keep reading!
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At What Age Does an English Mastiff Start Drooling?
Typically, your English Mastiff puppy will only start drooling once he reaches 18 to 24 months old. During his early years, his mouth is still tight and the jowls are less noticeable and non-extreme. However, once they have passed the estimated range of years mentioned, salivation will start to occur. The bigger he gets, the higher the tendency of his dribbles.
Considering that each dog grows differently than others, you might be lucky to end up with an English Mastiff who is more than 2 years of age and is not showing any signs of excessive drooling yet. But, it is just a matter of time until his saliva will start copiously dribbling from his loose lips.

If this large canine grows faster than the rest of the litter, he will likely start slavering earlier than them as well. Since puppies would still salivate, the causes are usually due to the presence of food and water. This is different from the uncontrollable drooling an English Mastiff will experience later on once he matures.
Drooling is natural for the English Mastiff. This only results due to the structure of his mouth and every Mastiff owner should already expect this from their pups in a few years time.
How Often Does an English Mastiff Dribble in a Day?
The way the English Mastiff was bred to look like should tell us that there is no exact or specific time of the day when he will drool. One thing we’re sure of, however, is that he will drool all day long, nonstop.

We can identify the periods when he’ll salivate a lot. If he realizes that his meal will be served in a few minutes or if he sees his owner preparing it, his saliva will accumulate in greater amounts either because he’s hungry or just simply excited to eat.
The reason behind this is due to the dog’s brain reaction to the presence or anticipation of food. The brain sends signals prompting the body to produce more saliva to help chew and digest the meal.
7 Reasons Why an English Mastiff Salivates So Much

All dogs drool but the amount will largely depend on the breed you go for. The Mastiff family is known for their large hanging jowls which makes their saliva gather onto the sides instead of being swallowed. Since the English Mastiff belongs to the group, he is no exception to this natural physical feature.
Oddly enough, extreme dribbling is also present in dogs who have the same large structure as the Mastiff such as mountain dogs and giant hounds. Regardless of dog types, there are several reasons why drooling occurs more frequently in colossal canines such as your English Mastiff.
- The Structure of His Mouth and Lips
Take a look at the physical size and anatomy of your English Mastiff’s mouth and lips. His jowls flap loosely on the sides and the saliva he produces will slowly drip down through it. Even if your Mastiff’s mouth is closed, a part of his inner lips will still be slightly exposed and this will result in leaking saliva.
The saggy structure of his lips makes it hard for him to cope with what he naturally produces throughout the day.
- Food Excitement
Salivation is a natural response to hunger. Even if he doesn’t feel famished, his big appetite will still trigger a reaction in his mouth. This is not something we should be surprised about as this phenomenon occurs in humans as well.
The English Mastiff’s drooling can be quite vexing for some, especially during mealtime. To somehow lessen the amount of drool, either prepare your dog’s food in advance or do so very quickly as some English Mastiffs can act like velcro dogs who will follow and observe you in the kitchen.
- Increase in Temperature
The English Mastiff is susceptible to heatstroke since he can overheat easily. It is always not a good idea to leave your dog outside under the sun for several hours. Although the English Mastiff was originally bred to fight along with their humans in outdoor battles, the modern-day dogs of this type will not be able to bear higher temperatures. As a way to cope with the heat, English Mastiffs will salivate more.
Keeping them indoors and providing them free access to water will alleviate his sweltering. Also, be observant and assess the situation if he drools while playing outdoors. If he’s not checked, he can be in a near-death situation within just a few minutes.
- He’s Feeling Anxious
English Mastiffs are social beings, therefore, they like to be around people. However, if left alone, it may cause them anxiety. If your dog is all by himself in a room without anything to do or to play with, he’ll show signs of separation anxiety. This condition will then make him cope with the stress he’s experiencing in several ways such as panting, drooling, and excessive licking, all of which can be abated once his favorite human or another dog shows up in his presence.
- Breeds and Sizes
Mastiffs are enormous both in mass and measurements. Perhaps “massive” is the best word that would describe them. Saliva production is normal for dogs but this varies depending on the size of the canine. English Mastiffs can weigh up to 230 pounds and with this magnitude, it is to be expected that their bodies will generate a large amount of saliva.
6. Motion Sickness
Car sickness can be one of the reasons why English Mastiffs keep on drooling while traveling. This can be associated with physical or physiological factors. Motion sickness can be related to the sense of balance. Dogs are the same as humans which, as they grow up, they would develop a woozy sensation if their inner ear which is responsible for balancing is not fully developed. Puppies, like humans, might not outgrow motion sickness.

Car-related anxiety can also be a factor to consider since an English Mastiff might have experienced traumatic situations such as what occurred on his first car ride or a stressful trip to the vet. That leads him to associate the car with stress-like feelings.
7. Dental Mouth Issues
It’s normal for English Mastiffs to drool when there is food in front of them. However, if your canine excessively keeps on drooling even without the presence of any food, this could be caused by internal mouth issues. There could be a blockage in his throat that makes him salivate extremely. If you’ve seen that there is no obstruction, it could be more serious like a tumor.
It is best to check if your Mastiff’s mouth has tartar build-up, cavities, and leftover foods that serve as causes for excessive drooling. Consult a veterinarian regularly as well to ensure the safety and health of the dog.
4 Tips to Manage Your English Mastiff’s Drooling Tendency

Drooling is usually caused by excessive saliva in the mouth. Since an English Mastiff’s mouth is extremely loose, the saliva gets collected on the side of his lips and will eventually start dripping if more of it is produced. To put it simply, his physical appearance is the main culprit as to why he’s labeled a profuse drooler.
Although this is a natural tendency for this particular breed, English Mastiff owners don’t necessarily just have to let this happen. Not managing your dog’s drools can end up in a mess since his saliva can land on the furniture or end up sticking on your carpets. This can annoy others and might even threaten the owner-and-dog relationship.
Fortunately, we have gathered several best and helpful tips that can do the trick in controlling your pet’s spittles.
- Use Towels
Towels have multiple uses. They can be used to either remove drools from the floor, wipe the dog’s mouth, or clean the splashes on your clothes. These are pretty handy and are considered to be life-savers, especially if you and your English Mastiff are out for a walk. Make sure you have a clean dry towel ready at your disposal, so you can eliminate his wet and sticky trails of saliva! Most English Mastiff owners recommend buying the HugeHounds DroolRag due to its superb quality and effectiveness in removing saliva from their big dogs.
- Utilize Bibs or Bandanas
If you think bibs are only meant for toddlers, well, these can also be used for your four-legged kid! Bibs are ultra-convenient and can be tied around the dog’s neck without causing breathing discomfort. If you don’t have these ready in your drawer, you can opt for a dog Bandana. Some people find this merely as an accessory, but for your English Mastiff, this is more than just a piece of fabric.
Syhood Bandanas, in particular, will catch the drips while keeping the neck saliva-free!

- Keep Him Away From Heat
Excessive heat triggers dehydration and causes the dog to salivate too much. Since dogs do not cope with heat the way humans do, what English Mastiffs do is pant and this will normally come with excessive drooling. Doing so will help them cool down and regulate their normal body temperature.
During the warmer months, limit your pet’s exposure to the sun. Let him out only when it’s late in the afternoon or build up a Houseable Dog Kennel near trees which can help provide him shade.
- Surgery
To add to the list, there is what we call cheiloplasty which is lip surgery. This is only applicable for English Mastiffs who are suffering from lip tumors or infections on their lips. If your pet has any of these conditions, one advantage of this surgery is to modify the structure of the dog’s face which will make him salivate less.
However, it is not recommended to alter the face of the dog just to fix its drooling habit! Don’t adopt a Mastiff if you can’t deal with the excessive saliva secretion.
No doubt, all English Mastiffs drool! This will always be a part of their characteristics and there are no specifics regarding how much they will dribble in the entirety of their lifespan. However, by following the tips written here, you’d be able to significantly reduce its drooling.
I suggest that you keep an eye on the drooling tendencies of your Mastiff since unusual slobbering behaviors might lead to serious illnesses that could be detrimental to your dog.
Anyhow, if you want a compassionate, affectionate, and courageous buddy, then the English Mastiff would be a good companion. But, if you don’t want to do a lot of cleaning especially when your Mastiff makes a good shake, then you might think twice about going for this breed.