Cane Corso vs Hyena: Who’s More Dangerous?
With their strong jaws, sharp nails, agility, and power, both the Cane Corso and the hyena are dangerous in their own right. However, the Corso is a domesticated pet, unlike the hyena that inhabits unpredictable wildlife.
That may give off the assumption that the hyena is more perilous, however, the Cane Corso’s strength can’t be ignored as he’s not just a mere dog. It all depends on the circumstance.
So, as we’re keen to assess their capabilities, let’s get busy finding out their differences in several areas and ultimately conclude who between them is more vicious.
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Would a Cane Corso Fear a Hyena?
An adult and abled Cane Corso who has been trained to guard is less likely to feel intimidation from a hyena. However, this is possibly due to his lack of knowledge of what the wild animal is capable of doing.
Point blank, hyenas are stronger than your regular dog, so unless a Cane Corso has a backup in greater numbers, then fear is out of the question. In the past, hyenas were once pitted in an arena, and dogs were unleashed to train them not to fear the animal.
But, due to how harmful the hyena’s bite can be, a bridle is placed on his mouth to prevent dog injury. Despite the suggested advantage of a hyena over the Corso, it remains a fact that the dog will protect you to death. His loyalty knows no bounds no matter if he’s facing a hyena or a lion.
Size Comparison
Size does play a huge role in fights, but no way would it be the ultimate factor to determine who’s victorious. It may affect the outcome, so for curiosity’s sake, here are their proportions:
Cane Corso

A large black Cane Corso in a relaxed manner.
Compared to other dog breeds, the Cane Corso can put up a good fight against the hyena. He’s muscular, athletic, and within his rectangular body is a massive force that can’t be underestimated. Although the American Kennel Club set that his ideal weight must complement his height that ranges from 23.5 to 27.5 inches, other Corsos can go beyond these marks.
A 120-pound Mastiff is surely going to give an opponent such a hard time, especially if he’s trained to use his size to his advantage.

A glimpse of two spotted hyenas.
Don’t be impressed with the measurements of the Corso yet. The hyena’s dimensions are set out not to disappoint. The spotted female is typically larger, but other regular hyenas averagely weigh around 90 to 170 pounds and reach a height of 29.5 to 33 inches.
They’re longer than tall too as some measure 37 to 59 inches, a truly incredible sight to see.
Hunting Skills
Most if not all Cane Corsos are now deemed as house pets while hyenas maintain their status as wild animals. Let’s get to know how well they do in hunting.
Cane Corso
Historically, Cane Corsos were used as hunting dogs. They would join large games hunting down wild animals like coyotes, wild boars, and lions. The sense of smell can’t be underrated as they can track down the subject in just a matter of time.
What’s fascinating is that this breed can defeat a lion which subtly contradicts the initial presumption that he’s the underdog in a fight with a hyena. It’s fair to say though that qualities do impact the outcome. Lions hunt in packs, so a hyena won’t stand a chance. Meanwhile, Corsos hunt in packs too in the pursuit of a lone lion, hence their success rate.
So, unless there’s only one hyena and several Corsos, there may be an increase in chances for the canine to win.
Hyenas are clever beings. They aren’t quick to underestimate the opponent. When they size up a target and assess that he’s bigger, they will attack as a pack. The first area they do damage on would be the legs which they will try to cripple and eventually bring the opponent to the ground.
Biting is their common act in hunting. One bite alone can be fatal even if it’s a lion they are against. Their cooperation skills are insane, to say the least.
If the prey is small, a hyena will simply hunt in a fox-like manner.
Strength and Ability to Fight
We all know that the Corso and the hyena are strong and able to fight, but one may be better than the other. Let’s determine who that is.
Cane Corso
Fearless and smart. The early Cane Corso fought against the most dangerous– humans. As war dogs, they weren’t daunted to charge against their enemies with barrels of flaming oil on their backstraps.
Presently though, the breed became a mere pet or guard dog but that doesn’t mean that his history is forgotten by his blood. His roots are actively working which is why he’s protective and territorial.
Although a hyena is smaller than most predatory animals out there, his capacity to fight is phenomenal. His daily experience in the habitat adds up more to his wisdom to survive.
If he’s alone, there’s a significantly lower chance of survival but being in a group makes a huge difference. As mentioned, any normal pet won’t stand a chance against this skilled predator, but a Corso might.
Bite Force
A powerful bite is what you have to avoid getting from an animal, domestic or wild. Here’s the Corso and hyena’s bite force:
Cane Corso
With 700 PSI, the Cane Corso’s bite is enough to inflict a serious injury. A few more bites can ultimately snap a bone or massively cause muscles and flesh to tear up, possibly, beyond repair.
The jaws of a hyena are stronger than that of any large cat common to us. The estimated measure goes around 1,100 PSI. This can go through even the toughest muscles and bones combined. The animal is also known to make a grip when biting making it wildly too much to bear.
Aggression Levels
Aggression can be shown by any dog, but some don’t have it prominently in their nature, but for the record, what about Cane Corsos and hyenas?
Cane Corso
A well-socialized Cane Corso is less likely to show any signs of aggression to anyone unless a stranger shows suspicious movements that merit a warning. Training also mellows the dog’s instincts so a lack of that can make him uncontrollable.
Aggression levels vary from one hyena to another. Some can exhibit friendliness, but this only shows if it’s a friend of a hyena friend. This doesn’t apply to humans at all should anyone seek to keep this as a pet. The animal is, by all means, unpredictable.
Can a Cane Corso and a Hyena Be Friends?
Mostly no. You can never put together a product of domestication and wildlife and expect them to have a thriving relationship. If ever that happens, that would be deemed a rare event. A hyena, with its completely different nature, can end up becoming a threat to your Cane Corso who has long been bred to live as a human companion.