Cane Corso vs Coyote: Who’s Stronger?
If you’ve been wondering which between the Cane Corso and the coyote is stronger, hands down, we automatically presume it’s the Cane Corso. It’s no surprise though, knowing how massive this Italian Mastiff can be.
For several decades in history, he’s been used as an estate dog– a task that well matches his terrifying appearance. But do other animals like the coyote feel humbled in this dog’s presence? We’ll find that out.
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Would a Cane Corso Fear a Coyote?
War has taught the Cane Corso to be a versatile breed and no way would he end up shaking at the sight of a mere coyote. One of his major tasks in the past was not only to guard real estate from trespassers but also to act as a strict bodyguard to the livestock.
As a truly reliable and independent farmhand, the Cane Corso knows well his duty and why he’s there in the field with vulnerable sheep and cattle. The presence of another unwelcome animal such as a coyote strikes a continuous alarm that only goes off after having it dispelled.
Size Comparison
While Cane Corsos initially have the upper hand, it’s best if we know why this is so. Let’s compare the build and proportions of both the Italian Mastiff and the wild coyote.
Cane Corso

A large Cane Corso relaxing in the grass
Having descended from the legendary Roman war dogs, the Cane Corso has prominently acquired an enormous size. On an ideal scale, such a dog can easily reach 120 pounds, more so if he’s a male. Females are generally smaller, about a few pounds less.
Their height goes anywhere between 23.5 to 27.5 inches according to the American Kennel Club (AKC). These numbers are enough to cause an impression that this breed is not something you can mock or taunt.
He’s big-built, muscular, thick, and long. When trained, he can use his body to easily put down his enemies.

A fully grown coyote in the road.
An average coyote can be as tall as a Cane Corso. He can typically be around 22 to 25 inches when measured at the height of withers, but it’s a different story if we talk about his weight. Does a coyote weigh the same as a Cane Corso? No, not even close. An adult coyote can only weigh around 15 to 46 pounds at best.
The region where a coyote comes from matters. Usually, the northern subspecies of Mexico tends to grow larger than the ones that come in the south.
Hunting Skills
Cane Corsos and coyotes are hunters. Point blank, their skills cannot be compared to each other as they have different tactics, games, and strategies. However, by learning how they do it, we’ll be able to find out more about their intelligence and motivation.
Cane Corso
Deemed to be one of the natural hunting dogs, the Cane Corso has it all. From strength down to stamina, it’s no wonder why they’re brought along in hunting parties that go after dangerous animals like wild boars, lions, badgers, and even coyotes.
The breed is gifted with high pain tolerance, meaning he can endure a whole hunting journey despite getting wounds and scratches in the process. Make no mistake too when it comes to his scenting ability. It will only take a reasonable time before he finally discovers the hiding place of a sought-after subject.
Coyotes are, in a way, pack animals. They do have a family which they live with, but hunting is done either alone or in pairs and in scarce instances, in packs. When they forage an area, they’re not there to skip a free meal even if the cause for their salivation has been killed as a result of a road accident.
With their usual numbers in hunting, it might seem that they have to exert maximum effort and energy for a successful kill, especially since they sometimes go after large games like deer hunting.
But, their diet consists of many things like berries, fruits, and grasses. These are omnivores who obviously have a different tactic in hunting compared to wolves and dogs.
Strength and Ability to Fight
How strong is a Cane Corso in comparison to a coyote? No doubt, both of them would somehow end up in a fight separately. Let’s take a look at their capabilities to win a duel.
Cane Corso
The imposing and athletic breed Italy boasts about is athletic and powerful. There is a reason why he is only suitable for experienced dog owners. In a fight, his intelligence paired with his prowess is highly advantageous.
Given that he’s in his most ideal condition and weight, the match is highly likely to end very quickly with him looking victorious over his opponent.
Right from the start, coyotes have this instant response to fights- avoid them. At all costs, actual engagements are deemed unnecessary and risky, especially that they would sometimes roam in a small number or worse, do it alone.
However, if the fight involves a certain fueling resource such as a live deer, chances are that the coyote, with all his might, can defeat such a large animal, alongside his other mates.
Bite Force
The bite force for both animals is what we are mostly interested in. Of course, being bitten by any of them is seriously damaging, but who can inflict more pain?
Cane Corso
The estimated measurement of the Cane Corso’s bite force impressively reaches around 700 PSI. This is 50 PSI more than that of a lion’s! Guaranteed, a massive bite from this canine can cause irreparable injury like no other. However, this will start to vary if age, health, and size are taken into account.
A massive difference of 547 PSI can be seen should we compare the coyote and the Cane Corso’s bite force. But, a coyote’s 153 guesstimated jaw power can still inflict gashes and tears, more so if there are two or more coyotes swarming a lone Corso.
Aggression Levels
Animals have a certain amount of aggression on them, albeit a few of them don’t exhibit such a trait noticeably.
Cane Corso
A well-trained Cane Corso is far from aggressive, but he remains capable of showing hostility when the need arises. As he’s trained to react and respond accordingly, he knows how to behave when a trespasser or an uninvited guest shows threatening moves.
There is a 0.06% chance of a coyote attacking a human. Per year in the US, around 8 people get bit. It’s something to be expected. Coyotes are wild animals that would roam anywhere and sometimes end up in urban communities, thus the likelihood of human interaction. Aggression is ingrained in them as a sort of self-defense too.
How High Are the Chances of a Cane Corso Meeting a Coyote?
As mentioned, coyotes can be anywhere despite their heavy preference for prairies and desert– this might be due to their search for food. Should they end up in communities, then the chances of them meeting a household Cane Corso is very high. But, it still depends on how popular the breed is in the area.