Can You Shave a Beagle? 4 Cons of Shaving a Beagle
The short answer is no. The Beagle breed cannot tolerate losing its coat off as this has a significant purpose in protecting him from certain climates. Although owners would think that shaving the hairs off would be a great idea especially during summer, repercussions might occur. For the most part, the damage is both long-term and irreversible.

Knowingly, Beagles have a remarkably shiny and neat coat that would make them stand out if he’s running around under the sun. The moment you decide on taking off his lustrous fur, no matter how proper you think you do it, the hair will most likely grow back with a coarse texture, putting your pooch at risk for skin irritations and matting.
Now that you’ve learned that shaving your Beagle might not be a great idea, it’s time to put down the clipper. Let’s dig deeper as to why this shouldn’t happen and recognize other ways to deal with your Beagle’s coat.
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Common Reasons Why Owners Shave Their Beagle
- The house is filled with dog hairs.
- No time to maintain the Beagle’s hair.
- Presuming that the dog feels hot because you feel hot.
- Your Beagle scratches his body constantly.
- The pooch’s hair is matted.
Things to Know Before Shaving Your Beagle

Doting Beagle owners only want the best for their pets. All the needs are abundantly provided including a place in which these dogs can shelter themselves during the wet and dry seasons. At times, you might end up having the idea of shaving off your Beagle’s hairs as you find ‘fit’, especially if you know someone whose dog is occasionally shaved.
Loving dog owners indeed know what’s best for their four-legged companion, however, there are just some things that we should be cognizant about before making a major decision on a pooch. Ask yourself this major question, “How would shaving the coat off affect my dog in the long run?”
Specifically, when it comes to shaving, Beagles are double-coated dogs. It is strongly advised to never attempt to take off their coat from the skin. Veterinarians reason out that your dog’s hairs are not like that of humans.

The image above shows how much a Beagle loves to play with the dirt. The coat serves as a protection from parasites and bacteria which could have easily penetrated his body if he was naked.
Moreover, coats are there for a reason. Aside from protecting the Beagle from getting easily scratched or wounded whenever he gets into thick and thorny bushes, the surrounding coat is also responsible for thermoregulating the canine. That means, if the environment is different, your Beagle would easily adjust his body temperature through either growing a denser fur or shedding it off, but not entirely.
Why Can’t I Shave My Beagle’s Coat Off?
In circumstances when shaving is unnecessary, a hairless Beagle is at risk of developing bad health conditions. Among these are a damaged fur and a disrupted natural process of keeping their bodies capable of adjusting to weathers.
To better understand the function of each layer of his fur, the one on top is a tough guard coat and the one on the bottom layer which is usually fluffy is called an undercoat. The underlayer would keep the Beagle cool in the summer and warm in the winter. It is during the springtime when most of the undercoat is shed off to stimulate new hair growth for the summer months. Meanwhile, it will get thicker right before the cold season starts.
Here is a picture of two Beagles who don’t find sunbathing a problem due to the presence of their shiny coat:

If all these two layers of hair are non-existent, your Beagle is surely going to have an uncomfortable experience such as having a hotspot. He will also be prone to sunburn and skin cancer. If ever the hairs start to grow back, it is usually the bottom layer that grows faster and would definitely crowd the guard hairs. The normal coat type of a Beagle would be heavily mangled.
What if I Have Shaved My Beagle Already by Mistake?

Depending on what the aftereffects are after getting shaved, generally, the best thing to do is to wait for your Beagle’s hair to grow back and ask for some advice from your vet on how to take care of it. Some owners have done this too and to their horror, they realized that it took forever before a few strands started showing out of their dog’s skin.
Limiting your Beagle’s time outside in a roofless yard is also a good idea. In case he is persistent to play longer, ensure that there are several trees around that can give him shade and easy access to water such as a pool.
One has claimed of shaving his dog and mentioned that even after 10 years, the topcoat never returned. The pooch was very prone to unruly matting and grooming became a more overwhelming and tedious task.
It is important to debunk the myth that some dogs needed to be shaved during summer to help keep their bodies cooler. The truth of the matter is that dogs such as the Beagle don’t sweat through the skin. They cope with the hot sun through panting or sweat out through their paw pads.
Another common belief is that shaving will lessen the doggy’s shedding rate. This is also untrue as dogs will continue to shed at their normal rate. Shaving your Beagle will result in shorter and finer hairs which he will release all-year-round making it much harder for you to clean carpets and furniture.
4 Cons of Shaving a Beagle
If the Beagle likes to play under the sun often, having no coat that would insulate the heat will automatically make him less intolerant to the harsh rays. Moreover, once the thicker undercoat starts growing rapidly with a mix of guard hairs, the bottom layer of the hair will trap additional warmth to the body. This can lead to heatstroke.
Skin Cancer and Sunburn
Without the needed coat to protect your Beagle from the sun, he is vulnerable to developing sunburns. The worst he could get would be skin cancer if he gets out of the house just when the harsh ultraviolet rays of the sun strike.
Permanently Damaged Coat
For single-coated dogs like the Yorkshire Terrier, Whippet, and Dachshund, shaving is just fine. This is never the case for the Beagles. Once their entire coat is off, the normal hair type, look, and texture will not be the same. Also, the older the Beagle is, the less likely he’ll have his old hair back, especially the topcoat.
Some dog owners who have shaved their dogs describe that the fur is patchy, frizzy, and is close to harsh wool.
Ineffective Means to Fighting off Allergies
The misconception that a dog such as a Beagle’s fur could cause allergy is far from accurate. Dogs produce certain proteins which are then transferred through their dead skin, saliva, or urine. The dander sit on the external layer of their skin by which, if your Beagle pet is shaved, would make you more exposed to this allergen.
Believe it or not, your Beagle puppy has feelings. If the fur has been completely shaved off right from the skin, you can say he would feel nude, bare, and too light. This can cause depression to some which, if it gets worse, could affect his overall health.
What if My Beagle Needs a Shave for Health Reasons?

The need to shave your Beagle for health reasons comes off very rarely. You can try to talk it out with your vet and be persistent about it, but it’ll be a hard long talk before he would say yes to this task. Additionally, even if your Beagle needs a shave for his well-being, the groomer would do it in a way that will not worsen or add up certain harmful conditions.
Nevertheless, please know that shaving does more harm than good. As much as you can, no matter the situation, avoid this option for your Beagle’s sake.
If in case, your Beagle really has to undergo this shaving procedure, here are a few simple tips that are vet-approved:
- Let a professional groomer do it. Don’t ever resort to doing this task by yourself or anyone inexperienced. Going to a licensed dog groomer is more worth it and would save you from extra costs compared to shaving your Beagle at home and sending him to a hospital later on for a laceration treatment.
- Don’t shave all of his coat off. Leaving a short length of coat on his body would be better than taking them all off entirely. The short fur would give enough protection for your dog against cold and heat.
- Take lots of breaks when using a clipper. Clipper blades can sometimes get hot when used for too long. This can burn your Beagle or leave a harsh burnt mark on his skin. To keep the process smoother, take a break and give your dog some treats while at it as a reward for his cooperation.
How to Manage Your Beagle’s Coat

Your two-coated Beagle will always need regular grooming. In fact, even though he’d need this frequently, the task itself is not a hard one. All you have to do is to brush him once or twice a week to help take off his hair fall. You can also use a deshedder such as the Pet Craft Hair Deshedding Tool or simply schedule an appointment with your nearest pet groomer.
Remember that brushing or grooming isn’t just to lessen the amount of fur your Beagle has. This also helps promote healthier skin and hair and these contribute a lot to your dog’s overall health. Good coat hygiene keeps him from matts, dirt, and uneven distribution of skin oils.
To shave or not to shave is a question that has a definite answer for all owners who are worrying about their double-coated dogs. The answer is “NO” for the most part. Vets don’t recommend it and even Beagle fanciers are against the idea. However, you, as an owner, know what’s best for your little Beagle. In case shaving needs to be done, researching and getting professional consultation first will always be the best first step to make.