Can a Cane Corso Kill a Wolf? Plus 9 Ways to Avoid Conflicts
As winter wraps up its episode, people will head to the mountains with a dog trailing along. However, what may seem like a fun family outing can turn into a camp of troubles considering the growing population of wolves in the rural areas.
In an unavoidable encounter, there’s a chance that your Cane Corso can defeat an average wolf. This Mastiff from Italy is large, bulky, powerful, and ferocious enough to take the challenge of a threatening wild animal. Although he may have the edge on certain aspects such as the bite force, the wolf is not a foe to underestimate. Both animals will surely not give the other an easy time to be victorious.
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What Are the Chances of a Cane Corso Meeting a Wolf?
It’s highly unlikely for your Cane Corso to run into a wolf if you live in the city. It’s worth knowing that wolves are commonly found in North America, North Africa, Asia, and Europe, and most of the time, these creatures prefer living in the wilderness, forests, swamps, and coastal prairies.
It’s going to be a different answer though if you and your dog are into adventuring the said areas. If you’re the ones visiting what could be a potential territory of a pack of wolves, then there’s a much higher chance for a dog and wolf encounter.

It’s not surprising for many of us that some owners bring with them their Cane Corsos during mountain trekking or any other activities involving nature exploration. The said breed is fairly active and capable of catching up with its owners. In the past, the Cane Corso was also used to hunt down animals like rabbits and boars using the sense of sight instead of smell. That information alone tells us that this canine has incredible endurance and vigor.
Meanwhile, there are a few cases of wolves roaming or getting lost in the city or any other area where a community of people lives. If this does happen, he’ll probably end up in your yard.
Identifying Who Has the Advantage
What’s a better way of knowing who has the greater edge in a Cane Corso vs wolf fight than to list down some major aspects where they can both competently win? Below, we will discuss who can potentially win the fight in terms of size, agility, strength, bite force, intelligence, territorial instinct, and numbers. Let’s find out!
The majestic-looking timber wolf is typically 30 inches tall and 40 to 175 pounds heavy. Meanwhile, the Italian Mastiff, Cane Corso, as per the written breed standard by the American Kennel Club (AKC) stands tall for at least 23.5 to 27.5 inches. His weight must be proportionate to his height so expect him to be around 85 to 110 pounds in mass.
With these figures in mind, you can conclude that the fight won’t be easy to overcome for both parties. If the wolf is at its largest size possible, then he wins this round.
No doubt, both the Cane Corso and the wolf are agile beings. However, they’re also both built for endurance rather than speed. If your Cane Corso is not used to maximizing his active lifestyle, then that lowers his chance of winning against a wolf who has to stay nimble for survival. In a fair fight, it’s more likely that the wolf has the advantage or that the conflict will end in a draw.
With their large physique and build, anyone can label both the Cane Corso and the wolf as strapping and robust. Bearing in mind that the Italian dog was widely used as a hunting hound back in its historic days, it’s fair to have an impression of him being ferocious and capable of pinning anyone down. It’s the same with the wolf. This wild animal is known to hunt twilight until nighttime for survival. He also has an average of 14% successful kills which include larger prey.
In all honesty, it’s not easy to determine who’s much stronger, but what’s clear is that they both are, no question.
Bite Force
In the dog kingdom, the wolf is thought to have one of the strongest bites. He has around 406 PSI enough to tear away another dog’s life. Take note, however, this is just a measure of his defensive bite. If he’s in an offensive mode, the number will go higher. The dog that can rival this bite force is no other than the Cane Corso. Surveys suggest that this reaches at least 550 PSI. Unfortunately, there’s no accurate or official chart for these numbers yet. So, we are only left to assume that Cane Corsos are indeed stronger in terms of bite force than wolves.
It’s a no-brainer that both animals are smart. There are just some differences that need to be acknowledged. Wolves fight to kill. They are natural hunters and killers and this trait is essential to keep living each day. It’s common knowledge for adult wolves to go for the neck if they want the subject to be killed right away. They’ll shake their heads from left to right to tear away the flesh.

Meanwhile, Cane Corsos fight to protect. They are natural guardians. That difference alone sets apart the type of intelligence both of these creatures have.
Territorial Instinct
This touches motivation. Wolves need to protect the pack, the cubs, and their ground. Any unwelcome guests have to leave the place either because of intimidation, force, or fight. Cane Corsos also have one purpose instilled in them and that is to protect their owner and the property.
The answer on who will win the fight is much clearer when the number comes into play. A pack of wolves will easily win it versus a lone Cane Corso. The same applies if the Cane Corso outnumbers the other. Age is also a factor. Puppies don’t stand a chance against adults since they have no sufficient experience nor have developed mature strength for real fights.
9 Ways to Keep Your Cane Corso From a Fight With a Wolf
Whether or not you’re confident that your Cane Corso can defeat a wolf, it remains a priority for owners to ensure their pet’s safety and well-being. As much as possible, try to keep your four-legged buddy away from deadly confrontations. Make this possible by following the tips below:
- Keep your Cane Corso on a leash to avoid attracting wolves.
- Learn signs that indicate the presence of wolves, their rendezvous sites, or dens.
- Keep your dog in a kennel or inside your home at night if wolves live nearby.
- Put a bell around your Cane Corso’s neck to let wolves know that the dog is with his humans.
- Make a startling noise to frighten a wolf should there be any unexpected encounters.
- Let your presence be heard by making sounds. Wolves avoid humans at all costs.
- Don’t let your Cane Corso roam free in sites recently visited by a pack of wolves.
- In a camp, make sure you survey the surrounding area to clear any signs of danger.
- Never leave your dog unattended.