Can a Cane Corso Kill a Coyote? All the Facts Owners Should Know
A Cane Corso who’s at the top of his condition can certainly, mercilessly kill a stray Coyote. A true guard dog at heart, this Mastiff from Italy can instantly switch from being the most ideal and affectionate family dog into a killing machine when he has to. Due to his high predatory drive, spotting an unfamiliar and provoking animal such as a Coyote can be messy.
If you’re living in a state with loads of Coyotes roaming and you own a magnificent dog such as a Cane Corso, a series of questions will form in your mind. To reveal all answers, keep reading this article.
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Are Coyotes a Threat to Dogs?
Absolutely. The number of dogs and pets killed each year is continuously increasing. It is shown that in 2018, the number of reported kills was 10 to 15 per year. Presently, this rose to 18 to 25. Most of the cases occurred during the mating season. Additionally, 30%-40% of dogs including smaller pets comprise the statistics.
Most dogs that were killed by a single Coyote were small like Pugs, Chihuahuas, and Lhasa Apsos. Medium to large dogs is not often the subject of harm. However, if they do get ambushed, the culprits are mainly a pack of Coyotes or alpha pairs.
On another note, one other reason why Coyotes are a threat to dogs is that some of them might be infected with rabies. Even if it’s just a minor skirmish with your canine, the outcome may be damaging to your pet.

Are Coyotes Afraid of Cane Corsos?
In a general sense, no, they don’t. But, if ever they try to trespass a territory, they avoid confrontations as much as they can. It could be because there is a human presence around or the Coyote suffers from an injury. We can only assume, though. Still, it remains a fact that most of them try not to get involved in an avoidable fight.
Due to the Coyote’s remarkable bravery in scavenging, owners must do their part dutifully. Always ensure that your Cane Corso is safe and that the fence around has no holes in which Coyotes can easily pass through. More caution must be made if your dog is still a puppy. He can be easily grabbed by the neck and dragged off his yard by a grown Coyote.
Unsurprisingly, when it comes to large dog breeds, the said feral animal shows hesitation to charge. Great Pyrenees, Wolfhound, as well as Mastiff breeds pose a far greater challenge to Coyotes.
What Else Scares Coyotes the Most?
Barking dogs. Yes, they highly detest them. Specifically, dogs who are tasked to guard the herd are found to be extremely intimidating. Coyotes, with their intelligence, know that guardian dogs are smart, trained, and capable of winning difficult fights. They have undergone drills and learned skills to successfully drive off predators away from the livestock.
Two or more Cane Corsos on duty have a better chance of warding off uninvited guests. If you only have one, his size, skills, and experience will greatly help him in winning a match against one or more Coyotes, but there’s not much guarantee to it.
Can a Coyote Defeat and Eat a Cane Corso?
It depends on the Cane Corso’s state and the Coyote’s motive. Some simply want to eliminate dogs that are near their territories, especially if they have Coyote pups to protect. It could also be due to the resources they try to protect. Scenarios like this often happen during the mating season. Coyotes in packs work together to secure their grounds, but it’s not easy to do this against Cane Corsos unless the dog is sickly, old, or injured.
The more Coyotes there are in their group, the better they can take after big dogs. If they are extremely hungry, a dead dog will end up becoming their meal for the day.
What Increases the Chances of a Cane Corso Beating a Coyote?
Loads of factors can influence a fight between the great Cane Corso and the ever-threatening Coyote. This includes age, experience, size, number, instinct, strength, and stamina. When all these work in your dog’s favor, the Coyote won’t stand a chance in their melee.
A full-grown Cane Corso can easily take down a young Coyote. It is even better if your dog is a male due to his bigger proportions compared to his female counterpart. Meanwhile, it can be a devastating loss for your highly valued pet if he’s still growing as a puppy and he happens to square off with an adult Coyote.
This is why training a Cane Corso is the utmost priority for owners. He has to gain countless experiences as they can one day contribute to saving himself from danger. A well-trained Italian Mastiff with loads of background in defending and protecting territories can be a great match against an accomplished Coyote. Remember, Coyotes experience the reality of nature every day, so surviving is part of their routine.

Coyotes stand tall around 22-26 inches while Cane Corsos are at a small edge since they can be around 23.5-27.5 inches. The dog can be over 100 pounds compared to the 14-46 pounds of an average Coyote. The stark difference highly favors the all-grown Cane Corso. He’ll have more strength to pin down a lightweight Coyote.
Considering that some Coyotes hunt in packs, having 2 or 3 Cane Corsos on a property would seem like a wise decision. Of course, owners must ensure that the dogs can be properly taken care of. The advantage of having more Cane Corsos is their capability to fight hand in hand against another group of foes. They can conduct group techniques such as having one watching the other’s back while the other does the offense.
Bite Force
Believe it or not but Cane Corsos have an impressive bite force of around 700 PSI. An average Coyote only has 153 PSI, therefore, showing a massive difference. One successful bite from a Corso can already inflict irreparable damage to the Coyote. Effortlessly, anyone’s bones and muscles can be torn apart and broken.
Territorial Instinct
Cane Corsos are one of the dog breeds that highly value their territories and homes. They do not have a lot of tolerance when it comes to unfamiliar animals that end up in their family’s yard or place. If a Coyote roams around his area, the Cane Corso will find this a grave offense and deal with the animal furiously.
The medium levels of energy the Cane Corso possesses enable him to last well during rigorous activities, but only at a limited time. Still, if he is trained well to speed up the fight, he will not end up getting exhausted once he faces one or more Coyotes. Weight can affect his endurance too. If a Cane Corso is over a few pounds than the set ideal mass, he’ll be catching his breath after a few minutes. If he’s malnourished, he would need to pour in more effort and energy to cause damage.