Are Whippets Hypoallergenic? (14 Tips for Allergic Owners)
No, Whippets are not hypoallergenic breeds just like all the other dogs and even their greyhound ancestors. This type of canine, however, sheds less than others. Despite them not being hypoallergenic, Whippets can still be the best choice of dog to get for your family as long as you consider how to manage his shedding.

Living and enjoying a wonderful life with dogs is possible even if you are allergic to them. This may not be very comfortable at the start, but it is entirely doable. There are just a few adjustments to make and a lot of precautions to execute to create a mutually healthy environment between you and your Whippet dog.
Let’s take a closer look at how much Whippets shed, what you can do to fight off dog allergens, and more on this article!
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Do Whippets Shed?
Yes, they do! But the good news is that their shedding rate is minimal and can be very easily maintained. With regular grooming and bath, his shedding will significantly reduce and will save you from constantly suffering from dog allergy symptoms.

The Whippet breed may shed more commonly during the months of summer when they have to let go of their damaged and loose hairs from the winter season. This may improve their coat’s appearance and skin which contribute to their overall health hence why it is necessary. Shedding is also a way to keep their bodies cool and effectively fight off the heat.
The Whippet’s hair is usually spikey. This will easily get stuck in your clothes, carpets, blankets, and upholstery. Vacuuming the areas he frequently goes to lessens the amount of dog dander inside the house. You may also enforce rules for your dog that will limit him from areas where his fur can effortlessly linger.
Additionally, since Whippets are not heavy shedders, they make a great choice for those who hate to deal with hairs all the time!
Combat Your Whippet’s Excessive Shedding

There is absolutely no way to stop your Whippet from shedding. However, there are numerous techniques on how to deal with it especially for people with allergies.
One of the best and effective ways to start your fight against pet allergy is through regular brushing of your Whippet’s coat. Make sure you wear gloves and other protective gear so you won’t be sneezing every after brush strokes you make. Brushing off his coat with a suitable brush reduces excess hair loss.
If you are afraid to do this yourself, don’t be shy to ask other members of the family who are not allergic to dogs to do this for you. He does not require intensive grooming. Brushing his coat once a week can make a significant change. You might not even notice any more pet hair all over your furniture again!
Another way to reduce excessive shedding is by giving him baths. Use the appropriate canine products and avoid overbathing him to prevent causing dry and itchy skin. These conditions may even aggravate the issues you don’t want to deal with in the first place. If your Whippet has allergies, opt for hypoallergenic products with a medicated shampoo.
You should not skimp on dog food as well. In some cases, the lack of nutrition for dogs can worsen their skin condition and will heavily affect their coat. Give your energetic Whippet meals that are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and supplements if recommended by your vet.
Reasons Why Your Whippet Might Shed More
Injuries and Skin irritation
Considering that the Whippet dog breed has a thin coat, he is also highly likely to get easily injured or wounded. His natural response which is to lick the affected area for comfort is oftentimes a trigger for more hair loss. If your Whippet is experiencing allergic reactions may it be from the food he ate, the skin irritations that will form can dry up his skin and damage his coat.
Fleas and Parasites
Parasites, fleas, and mites can easily spread among dogs. If your Whippet is infected with any of those, symptoms will show such as itching, sores, redness, and hair loss. Contact your vet right away so he can prescribe the right medicine to get rid of these dog parasites.
Whippets easily get attached to their family members. Described as sensitive dogs, a Whippet may feel sad if he’s being ignored or left on his own for long periods of time. Just like other dog breeds, if a Whippet suffers from separation anxiety, he might resort to undesirable behaviors such as biting and howling. If it gets worse, your Whippet will start shedding as a sign of extreme stress.
Symptoms of Dog Allergies
Not everyone is aware that he or she is allergic to dogs. Some of you might have had a Whippet rescue and found out later on that you’re both incompatible with each other. To avoid this from happening, it is advised that you spend time with the dog first before bringing him home.
Dog allergy symptoms can be easily detected. To know what to look out for, here are the common signs that you are allergic to canines:
- Asthma attack (for those who have asthma)
- Rashes on the chest, neck, and face
- Redness of skin
- Wheezing after exposure to allergens
- Shortness of breath
- Itching and swelling around the nose and eyes
- Watery eyes, runny nose, and cough
- Facial pressures
- Eczema (for kids who have pet allergies)
Many people have the misconception that early exposure to dogs can make a baby develop an allergy in the future. Thankfully, the contrary is true. Introducing dogs to babies doesn’t increase their chances of suffering from allergies, according to a research study. Instead, it may actually strengthen the child’s immune system.
If ever any of the above symptoms show, over-the-counter products can alleviate the situation. If it is unbearable, seek medical attention immediately.
What Causes Dog Allergies?
Dogs produce proteins that end up getting transferred in the environment through dander, saliva, and urine. These proteins are normally harmless, but if the person’s immune system is overly sensitive, abnormal reactions are expected to occur. Different dog breeds produce different kinds of dander. This explains why, although there is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog breed, some may still suffer worse allergies from a specific dog compared to another breed.
The allergens eventually stick onto the dander and may get blown anywhere it lands. This is airborne, so regular cleaning is necessary.
14 Tips on How to Relieve Dog Allergy
Determined to own a Whippet even if you are an allergy sufferer? Don’t worry, because there are a plethora of ways on how to manage your dog allergies. You won’t have to sneeze while bonding with your favorite canine anymore. Just check out these tips below!
Transform the Environment
- Make your bedroom an off-limit area for your Whippet. Your blankets and pillows have to be absolutely free from your pet’s fur or you might spend the night sneezing and having a runny nose.
- Limit the use of fabrics such as carpets, rugs, and upholstery at home. If you choose to keep some of the fabrics, be sure to steam-iron them regularly. Your furniture must be ideally covered with cotton blankets so you can easily replace them when needed.
- Vacuum the usual places your Whippet lays around in. The equipment must have a HEPA filter so no dander residues remain.
- Use high-quality air filters to keep the atmosphere clean and allergen-free. Heavy-duty HEPA air cleaners are sure to make wonders in your home!
- Use anti-allergen sprays. These sprays deactivate the presence of allergens. Ask your allergist which product is best for you.
- Be free from dust! Wipe down your walls, tables, and other decorations to cut down allergens.
- Go for washable pet beddings that can be more conveniently washed on a regular schedule. These are where most of his allergens are trapped in.
Decontaminate Your Whippet
- Bathe your Whippet at least once a week. Ask for recommendations from your vet regarding what shampoo to use that will not dry out his skin.
- Set a weekly schedule to groom your Whippet’s coat. Don’t miss it! Use soft-bristled brushes only and be gentle when you stroke his coat with it.
- Check for any signs of dermatitis. This skin condition will increase the rate of your pet’s shedding. That means you will also be exposed to higher levels of allergens.
Take Care Of Yourself
- Keep your Whippet from licking your face. The protein responsible for triggering your allergy is also present in your dog’s saliva, so avoid direct contact.
- Wash your hands and arms after having contact with your dog. Avoid constantly touching your face until you have made sure your hands are washed.
- Visit your allergist to identify if your allergies are caused by your Whippet. Some allergy sufferers can be sensitive to more than one allergen. Check the primary causes before blaming it on your poor Whippet puppy. You may also get allergy shots to reduce allergy attacks.
- Use over-the-counter products for your allergies such as antihistamine nose sprays and pills.
Can I Live With a Whippet Even if I Have a Dog Allergy?
Of course, you can! Although this can be very daunting, as long as you are carefully prepared about having him around you inside the house, you will do just fine. Unfortunately, some allergy sufferers thought that having dog allergies meant rehoming their pets. What’s pleasing to know though, is that a large number of pet owners chose to keep their dogs and explored solutions to manage their condition.
With many options available to alleviate allergy symptoms, dog owners have realized that nothing can outweigh the pros of having a Whippet.