Are Bullmastiffs Good Guard Dogs? Traits That Make Them Perfect for It!

With its massive size and a forbidding look, the Bullmastiff can certainly become the perfect guard dog for large estates or simply for your home. He is a combination of strength and intelligence in an impressive build. Anyone who knows about this breed will have second thoughts before trespassing a property.
However, Bullmastiffs have other more traits its fanciers love such as being extremely loyal, affectionate, and protective. You won’t just be assured that your family is safe when this dog is around, but you’re also guaranteed that he’ll be the best family addition you and your kids will love.
Learn more about why you should consider getting a Bullmastiff, especially if you are looking for the best breed as a guard dog. All that and more only in this article!
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What Were Bullmastiffs Originally Bred For?

Around 1860, the Bullmastiff successfully emerged through the undying dedication and effort of gamekeepers who had had a huge concern regarding poachers.
The purpose of the creation of this Mastiff-type dog is to help in securing estates and go after trespassers. This canine should be able to hold down intruders until their owners come to deal with it all.
This gives us one important thing to bear in mind. Bullmastiffs are born to guard and protect.
Before the Bullmastiff came about, the gamekeepers had to experiment with various breeds until they came across the slow but massive Mastiff and the ferocious Bulldog. Out of these breeds, a Bullmastiff was born. The ratio is ideally 60% Mastiff and 40% Bulldog. He acquired the best traits from both of his parents making him the best fit as a brave and sizable guard.
What Will a Bullmastiff Do if Someone Tries to Break-In?
Considering that the Bullmastiff has to track down people in the past, it is just imperative that he doesn’t make any noise while doing his task. He will stalk the person silently and pin him down to the ground once timing sets in. Simply put, this is not a guard dog who will constantly bark while someone breaks in.
Paired with superb intelligence, he can calculate what next steps should he do so the uninvited guest will be caught. However, when he deems it necessary, barking could be heard from him if the owner is at home and needs to be alerted. It is also not impossible that he’ll decide to attack if it’s inevitable.

Bullmastiffs are dogs that should never be underestimated. They put high regard when it comes to the safety of their loved ones and the home they need to protect. It would be bad luck for anyone who ends up in a place with a Bullmastiff guarding. In most cases, even if the person runs off, this magnificent canine will go after him. Once caught, he’ll keep the situation as is until someone familiar arrives to handle it.
Bullmastiff Traits That Make Him a Good Guard Dog
It’s going to be a long list if we specify all the good traits that make the Bullmastiff an excellent and reliable guard dog. With that, we’ll just focus on the major areas that make him stand out the most.
- Large Size. Bullmastiffs are ideally 24-27 inches in height and can weigh around 100-130 pounds. These are heavy and massive dogs who are muscular and powerful. The sight of this breed is enough to discourage burglars and intruders.
- Alert. Whatever suspicious sounds or presence lurk nearby, this inquisitive canine will surely check what’s going on. He’ll investigate the area and see if there’s anything to be worried about.
- Calm Personality. You might be wondering why a guard dog needs to be calm. Well, Bullmastiffs who are always aggressive even if there’s no reason to be are a recipe for disaster. A good guard dog shouldn’t take everything as a threat. If you frequently expect visitors to come to your home, your Bullmastiff should be open to being tolerant with their presence.
- Affectionate With Your Family, but Reserved Toward Strangers. A good guard dog shouldn’t be scary for your kids. He still needs to be capable of playing and showing fondness toward his family. This will dramatically change if he meets a stranger. Take note, he must be reserved rather than hostile. He must be able to determine if the other person is a concern or not hence why intensive exposure is crucial, especially during his puppy years.
- Excellent on His Duty. Bullmastiffs are people-pleasers. They tend to obey easily just to see their owners smile in delight. However, the same action should be shown even if their owners are not around. The impressive level of excellence during training has to be manifested in real-life events.
Should a Bullmastiff Be Trained How to Guard?

Despite having the protective instinct, it is still necessary that you train your Bullmastiff on how to guard. You can say it’s an innate skill that needs to be honed. Remember, a guard dog is someone you find dependable, and training him to be great at it will eradicate your concerns while sleeping at night or when you leave your home or apartment.
There are several things you could do in training him how to be a good guard dog. Of course, starting with the basics will make it easier for him to grasp the more advanced drills, later on. Here are some of which you might consider:
Early Socialization Training
Since the Bullmastiff is naturally protective, socializing with people would be a requirement. Help him understand that not all unfamiliar individuals that are around him are alarming. You can associate basic commands or words such as “Say hi” to your dog to let him know that the other person is a friend. With your supervision, he’ll gradually decipher which ones show normal behavior and those who do not.
“Be Alert” Training
Look for certain triggers that make your Bullmastiff bark such as the sight of a squirrel. Reward him afterward once he lets out the desired vocal signal to reinforce his behavior. You can incorporate basic commands such as “talk” and “quiet” for the training. When a stranger strolls by, command your Bullmastiff to “talk” and barking should be heard right away. When you say, “quiet”, his barks must cease.
Give him treats after giving him a command. Do this routine with him regularly until he instantly does this even without you around
Patrol Training
Allow your Bullmastiff to be familiar with the territory he must guard. Put a leash on him while bringing him to the edge of his territory. You can do this with him several times a day. As your Bullmastiff patrols the area, incorporate the “Be Alert Training” when someone passes by. Repeat this training often until he’s ready to go off-leash.
Moreover, don’t forget to be a responsible owner. Let others know that you’re training your dog to avoid misjudgments from your neighbors. Be prepared as well for consequences if your dog escapes the territory or causes an unpleasant incident with someone.